Overlapping Instances [GHC-43085]
Type class methods that make use of overlapping instances lead may lead to an error because the resolved candidates would lead to indeterministic program behavior.
We can solve this by annotating the instances with the {-# OVERLAPS #-}
and {-# INCOHERENT #-}
The former three can only be used if instances are strictly more specific than one another, i.e. the type of an instance can be substituted for the type of another instance.
Note that {-# INCOHERENT #-}
still leads to indeterministic behavior and thus should be used with caution.
before/Overlapping.hs:18:19: error: [GHC-43085]
• Overlapping instances for Formatter (Maybe Int)
arising from a use of ‘format’
Matching instances:
instance Formatter (Maybe Int)
-- Defined at before/Overlapping.hs:13:10
instance Formatter a => Formatter (Maybe a)
-- Defined at before/Overlapping.hs:9:10
• In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘format (Nothing :: Maybe Int)’
In the expression: putStrLn $ format (Nothing :: Maybe Int)
In an equation for ‘main’:
main = putStrLn $ format (Nothing :: Maybe Int)
18 | main = putStrLn $ format (Nothing :: Maybe Int)
| ^^^^^^
Overlapping instances for Maybe
Here, the two instances Formatter (Maybe a)
and Formatter (Maybe Int)
are overlapping.
Since the latter is more specific, we can solve this by annotating the instances with the {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
and {-# OVERLAPS #-}
module Overlapping where
class Formatter a where
format :: a -> String
instance Formatter Int where
format = show
instance (Formatter a) => Formatter (Maybe a) where
format (Just x) = format x
format Nothing = ""
instance Formatter (Maybe Int) where
format (Just x) = format x
format Nothing = "NaN"
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ format (Nothing :: Maybe Int)
module Overlapping where
class Formatter a where
format :: a -> String
instance Formatter Int where
format = show
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Formatter a) => Formatter (Maybe a) where
format (Just x) = format x
format Nothing = ""
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Formatter (Maybe Int) where
format (Just x) = format x
format Nothing = "NaN"
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ format (Nothing :: Maybe Int)