Redundant patterns [GHC-53633]

Flag: -Woverlapping-patterns
Enabled by default

In multi-equation definitions and case expressions, patterns are matched from top to bottom. This means that earlier patterns are tested before later patterns. If every value that a pattern could match has already been ruled out by earlier patterns, then it is unreachable, which typically indicates a bug or misunderstanding.


Redundant catchall pattern


Overlapping.hs:6:1: warning: [GHC-53633] [-Woverlapping-patterns]
    Pattern match is redundant
    In an equation for ‘f’: f _ = ...
6 | f _ = False
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^


In this case, all the patterns that can match a list were matched in the prior patterns, so the catch-all pattern in the last case will never be matched and is dead code.

module Overlapping where

f [] = True
f (_:_:xs) = f xs
f [_] = False
f _ = False
module Overlapping where

f [] = True
f (_:_:xs) = f xs
f [_] = False
Redundant constructor pattern


Overlapping.hs:5:1: warning: [GHC-53633] [-Woverlapping-patterns]
    Pattern match is redundant
    In an equation for ‘f’: f (Just _) = ...
5 | f (Just _) = False
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


The definition of f contains two separate patterns that both match (Just _). This usually indicates a bug, because the second one would be unreachable. This can be fixed by removing the redundant case, but it usually indicates that a change to the program was made quickly and demands more thought.

module Overlapping where

f :: Maybe a -> Bool
f (Just _) = True
f (Just _) = False
f _ = False

module Overlapping where

f :: Maybe a -> Bool
f (Just _) = True
f _ = False