Not in scope [GHC-76037]

An identifier can only be used if it is in scope; i.e. if it is bound or declared previously and that binding/declaration is available at the usage location.


Unbound data constructor in lambda

The data constructor A used in the lambda expression is not in scope.

Error Message

NotInScopeLambda.hs:3:6: error: [GHC-76037]
    Not in scope: data constructor ‘A’
3 | f = \A -> A
  |      ^
module NotInScopeLambda where

f = \A -> A
module NotInScopeLambda where

data Foo = A | B

f :: Foo -> Foo
f = \A -> A
Unbound class name

The class name B referenced in the definition of class C is not in scope.

Error Message

NotInScopeClass.hs:3:8: error: [GHC-76037]
    Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘B’
3 | class (B a) => C a where
  |        ^
module NotInScopeClass where

class (B a) => C a where
 op1 :: a -> Int
module NotInScopeClass where

class B a where
  op :: a -> a

class (B a) => C a where
 op1 :: a -> Int
Data constructor not imported

The import statement import Foo (Bar) imports the Bar data type, but not its constructor MkBar. As such, the constructor is not in scope.

Error Message

IncorrectImport.hs:6:12: error: [GHC-76037]
    Not in scope: data constructor ‘MkBar’
6 | barAddOne (MkBar n) = MkBar (n + 1)
  |            ^^^^^
module IncorrectImport where

import Foo (Bar)

barAddOne :: Bar -> Bar
barAddOne (MkBar n) = MkBar (n + 1)
module IncorrectImport where

import Foo (Bar(..))

barAddOne :: Bar -> Bar
barAddOne (MkBar n) = MkBar (n + 1)
Field selector exported with NoFieldSelectors

Error Message

NoFieldSelectorsExport.hs:3:35: error: [GHC-76037]
    Not in scope: ‘foo’
    Suggested fix:
      Notice that ‘foo’ is a field selector belonging to the type ‘T’
      that has been suppressed by NoFieldSelectors.
3 | module NoFieldSelectorsExport (T, foo) where
  |                                   ^^^


The field selector foo has been disabled via NoFieldSelectors, therefore it cannot be a top-level export. The fix is to export it as part of its type T (consequently it can be imported for e.g. record creation or updates).

{-# LANGUAGE NoFieldSelectors #-}

module NoFieldSelectorsExport (T, foo) where

data T = MkT { foo :: T }
{-# LANGUAGE NoFieldSelectors #-}

module NoFieldSelectorsExport (T (foo)) where

data T = MkT { foo :: T }