Illegal deriving strategy [GHC-87139]

This error occurs if the syntax for specifying a deriving strategy is being used without having the corresponding language extension enabled.

The fix is usually to either enable the language extension, or to remove the deriving strategy (if it happens to match the default).


Illegal deriving strategy on newtype

In this example, there is a deriving clause instructing GHC to derive a Show instance for the newtype Year.

There are (at least) two different ways to derive such a Show instance. The stock strategy is the standard generic way of deriving Show instances for datatypes. The newtype strategy is available for newtypes and simply uses the existing instance of the underlying type, in this case Int.

The difference in the current example is that the stock-derived show includes the constructor name, the newtype-derived does not.

If multiple strategies are available, GHC chooses a default. In the case of deriving for classes for which stock-deriving is available, such as Show, stock is the default. If you want to be explicit about this or explicitly deviate from the default, you can specify a strategy explicitly.

This, however, requires the DerivingStrategies language extension to be enabled, and if it is not, you will get an error. The fix in this case is to enable the language extension, for example via a compiler pragma.

module IllegalDerivingStrategy where

newtype Year = MkYear Int
  deriving newtype Show
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
module IllegalDerivingStrategy where

newtype Year = MkYear Int
  deriving newtype Show